Nursing Process: Concepts and Applications

Practical, applied, and contemporary, NURSING PROCESS: CONCEPTS AND APPLICATION, 3rd Edition provides you with a thorough step-by-step approach to the nursing process. The third edition clearly examines the nurse's role and responsibilities , as well as, explains, demonstrates, and tests each part of the nursing process to provide you with a logical approach that can be used independently or in a group setting. Updated activities, case studies and a new chapter on Concept Mapping ensures that you are well prepared for your future career.
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Об авторе (2012)

Wanda Seaback, RN, MS, is a Professor of Nursing at Texas A&M University, Health Science Center, College of Nursing, Bryan, TX. She has been a nurse educator for sixteen years and has taught courses for PN/LVN, Associate Degree Nursing (RN), and BSN (RN) programs.

Библиографические данные

Название Nursing Process: Concepts and Applications
Автор Wanda Walker Seaback
Издание: 3, исправленное
Издатель Cengage Learning, 2012
ISBN 1111138192, 9781111138196
Количество страниц Всего страниц: 224
Экспорт цитаты BiBTeX EndNote RefMan