Sample Business Dress Code Policy

The Business Dress Code Policy outlines expectations for employee attire at work, emphasizing the importance of appearance when representing the company. It provides guidelines on grooming, appropriateness, and professionalism, and addresses specific dress codes for various occasions and positions within the company.

This sample Employee Dress Code Policy template is ready to be tailored to your company’s needs and should be considered a starting point for setting up your company dress code policies.

This business dress code policy should include:

  1. Clear guidelines on grooming and cleanliness, ensuring employees present themselves well.
  2. Specific rules on what constitutes work-appropriate attire, prohibiting clothes typical for workouts or outdoor activities.
  3. Provisions for special occasions or positions that may require different dress codes, such as meetings with clients.

employee dress code policy

Business dress code policy template

Policy brief & purpose

Our dress code company policy outlines how we expect our employees to dress at work. Employees should note that their appearance matters when representing our company in front of clients, visitors or other parties. An employee’s appearance can create a positive or negative impression that reflects on our company and culture.


This policy applies to all our employees.

Policy elements

These dress code rules always apply:

What is Business Dress Code?

Our company’s official dress code is [ Business/ Business Casual/ Smart Casual/ Casual. ]

We may change our dress code in special cases. For example, we may require employees to wear semi-formal attire for an event. Then, both male and female employees should wear suits, ties, white shirts and appropriate shoes. Our company may also introduce [dress-down Friday] when employees can wear more casual clothing like jeans, simple blouses and boots. This won’t apply if employees are meeting with clients, partners and other external parties.

An employee’s position may inform their dress code. If employees frequently meet with clients or prospects, they should conform to a business dress code.

Disciplinary Consequences

When an employee disregards our dress code, their supervisor should reprimand them. The employee should start respecting our dress code immediately. In some cases, supervisors may ask employees to returning home to change.

Employees may face more severe consequences up to and including termination, if:

Disclaimer: This dress code policy template is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor Workable will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy.

Frequently asked questions

What is an example of a business dress code policy? The policy sets clear guidelines on employee attire, emphasizing grooming, appropriateness, and special provisions for various occasions or roles. Why is a business dress code policy important? It ensures employees present themselves professionally, reflecting positively on the company, and fosters a consistent and respectful workplace environment. What should a business dress code policy include? It should outline grooming standards, define work-appropriate attire, and specify dress codes for special occasions or roles. How should violations of the dress code be addressed? Supervisors should reprimand employees, possibly asking them to change. Repeated violations may lead to severe consequences, including termination. Can the dress code vary for different roles or occasions? Yes, positions that frequently interact with clients may have stricter codes, and special events might have specific attire requirements.