School Based Activities

If you are looking for Practical and Projects of School based activities for B.Ed and D.EL.E.D. Then this is the right place. Here you can easily download PDF of School Based Activity.

First of all, let us know What is the meaning of School-Based Activities or SBA?
Meaning of School-Based activities:

School based activities is an essential component for any educational program like B.Ed and D.El.Ed. Apart from classroom teaching, a school teacher is also responsible for a number of scholastic and school management related activities. A teacher has to maintain a comprehensive record of entire learners performance. School-based activities provide first-hand exposure to the systematic schooling procedure . It enables a teacher to develop, their own understanding of the realities of working with mentors and children in real school situations. School-based activity helps to develop professional expertise and understanding as a qualified teacher in a practical sense.

This program is conducted during the first or second year of any educational course like BEd and Deled. A student teacher is required to conduct the activities in their respective school settings. Some senior teachers or headteachers will be mentors or supervisors. From the observations, a student-teacher needs to make reports on their activities.

Here are the Links Given Below from where you can easily download the school-based activities (SBA) and Internship report file and Assignments PDF

NOTE: There are multiple SBA files links are given in both Hindi and English. You can check the topics and index of all the PDF Files of School-Based activity for the topics you want. Just click on the links and check which topic you need.

More Details and Information about School-based activities Programme or Internship Programme in School:

Well, School-Based Activity Program is also called Internship Programme in Which the student teachers of various teacher training programs like BEd, DELED or DED are required to do Internship in schools allotted to them by the universities. It is basically a teaching practical report. The Internship period may vary from university to university but the maximum time of internship is 6 months. In DELED the period maybe 15 to 30 days usually.

In the School-Based Activity or we can say Internship report files and assignments, the student-teacher has to write and record all the activities which are organized in the schools and also they have to write about their experience in the schools where they completed their school-based internship.

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The Project files and Assignments of School-based activities which are provided here are for all B.Ed and DELED Students. In NIOS DELED This subject is named as 511, 512 and 513 School-based activities and workshop based activities (WBA). Not only for NIOS but for all the Universities Like IGNOU, MDU, CRSU, KUK Which provides teacher training courses will be very helpful.

With the help of These school-based activities, practical file pdf in Hindi and English for all 1st and second-year students and 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 th semester students of B.Ed and Deled can make their project report files of SBA easily.

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